Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Twelfth Confession

I make a terrible sick person.  I get mopey and grumpy, and don't function well at all.  Well...grumpier than usual.  Because as a whole, I'm a fairly grumpy person.  Not that I have many reasons to be.  Because, most of the time, I shouldn't.

I mean, it always could be worse.  It could be raining.  Those meddling kids could have torn up my yard.  It's a head/chest cold, not pneumonia.  It's not a tumor.  God's still on the throne, we all win in the end.  It all comes out okay in the end; therefore, if it's not okay, it's not the end. 

Then why am I still disconsolate?  Because it's not good enough until it's GOOD, not when it's slightly lacking bad.  Good is something pleasant and desirable: more than enough health, more than a conqueror, more than plenty.  Good is not the lack of anything bad, but rather more than enough to compensate for that which is bad.  While on earth, bad is.  Evil exists.  Good always overcomes, but it's sometimes a nail-biter.  Sometimes, good doesn't even look like it won at the end of the day.  But the thing is, we're so short sighted to see the current tragedy, we miss the long view:  what comes AFTER the tragedy determines the depth of the tragedy, not the tragedy itself.

Short one for 12.  Time to move on.


  1. I have been known to actually cry from self-pity if I get sick enough. Usually because the military docs refused to let me go home and get better, but sometimes even though it's an off-day and I just feel like diseased dog-butt.
    Did you notice that fragment? Snuck it right in there.

  2. Caught the fragment, mainly because I think in fragments like that, although I've been doing better about it since starting this thing. Never cried in self-pity when sick, though.
