Monday, September 13, 2010

Sixth Confession

I don't believe in writer's block.  I don't believe in artist's block.  However, I do believe in people becoming so frustrated and short sighted that they lose track of what they originally set out to do: express themselves.

I can think of half a dozen times when I've sat at a piano and tried to compose something new and fresh and exciting.  Most of the time, if I put pressure on myself to do something new and brilliant, it comes out insipid and tired.  However, if I put all the demand behind me and instead play an old standard, I hear a musical phrase and think, "Yeah, I could work with that."

Too many times, I've also seen myself get hung up on too many options, but not enough motivation.  I can honestly point to that as the reason why I've not gone into business for myself, I've not written more music, or I've not done anything else creative.  I suppose that sticking to a blog will keep me on track, to some degree.  However, I also know that stagnation comes without circulation: if I'm not constantly challenged, I'm not going to be as brilliant as I could be.

So with that, I throw this posting to the public -- what should I brilliantly post about next?


  1. Love this entry. You're completely right (but you knew that). Will be thinking of blog topics. We wouldn't want you to stagnate. :D

  2. I don't know...I think that stating you don't believe in artist's/writer's block, but you do believe in losing sight of the original intent of expression, is like saying, you don't believe in Bigfoot but you do believe in a furry man ape that skulks around in the forest around washington state. It's odd that you dont' believe in it, but do a decent job of defining it. :)

  3. Thank you, ConTom, for thinking of blog topics.

    As for defining writer's block vs. believing in it, creativity is always available to the writer/poet/artist. There is nothing that ever "blocks" that creativity - just things that obscure the picture. As an illustration, I put to you the concept of the older models of television: just because you weren't able to get CBS didn't mean it wasn't broadcasting. It just meant you had to boost your own reception, possibly even drowning out some of the interference around your own set.

    Also, may I just state that your definition of Bigfoot is spot on; therefore, is it something in which you believe? :)

  4. Blocks versus doth smelleth semantics if we're just talking about various degrees to which one's creativity is pulled over by the artistic hyjacking police. What's your definition of "block" that you don't believe in?

    And I think you should definitely write about bigfoot in future posts. And the loch ness monster. And the bermuda triangle. Get to the truth of it. :) Investigative Reporting.

  5. Mr. or Mme. Anonymous's comment will be fodder for the eighth Confession. Congratulations, sir or madam.

  6. Why do I get the impression that your next post will be about the need to send out hit squads to thin out anonymous trolling? I'm locking the door.
