Thursday, February 3, 2011

42nd Confession

Wow, it's been a long time since I've done this. Apologies to anyone who was hanging on my every update; January was a crazy busy month for me, and I think the new year is going to be quite interesting indeed.

Well, now that my mother in law is heading out on a Mexican cruise, I think there will be more time for me to sit and write, as well as a little more motivation, especially as February is one of my lest favorite months of the year. I have a feeling that this, above all other reasons, is unconsciously why I started this blog: to finally get some of my bottled-up feelings out on some kind of media, like a confessional booth.  Which makes anyone who reads this a priest. Or a therapist. Which is kinda funny, really, if you stop and think about it.

So, some quick life updates: Joy is still doing Art school.  We purchased a Wii.  I'm very good at swordfighting on it. Edan is still adorable, but recently he's been taking to praying for a newborn child for the family. I'm not sure what brought THAT on, but I'm working on dealing with it.

We recently lost power to our house.  There's nothing like an ice-storm blackout to show you how dependent you are on electricity.  Especially when your whole house is powered by it.

Finally, I'm going to say that I'm sorry I haven't written for a while. Personally, I haven't heard too many complaints, so it hasn't been in the forefront of my "things to get done" list. So if you want more, let me know.


  1. Ah, January is my February. I know how much Februaries can hurt. Roll on March.
