Thursday, February 3, 2011

43rd Confession

February is my least favorite month of the year.

I've heard it taught that time was the first thing God blessed and set apart as holy, even before there was a definition of the word "holy." The same teacher said that anything that can be blessed can also be cursed; therefore, bless your time at every opportunity.

It seems to me that February is already the absolute low point of anyone's year. Lewis Black once raged that it was the grayest month; he also claims that Valentine's day came about because someone slit their wrists just to see color. While I enjoy a good rage comedian from time to time, I think Mr. Black unintentionally stumbled upon a point.

I know some people whose greatest artistic binges come when the leaves begin to turn in the autumn; for me, this February stuff is the complete antithesis. I feel more lethargic and torpid during this month than during any other.

Maybe it's the cold. Maybe it's the ice. Maybe it's the fact that spring isn't just around the corner quite yet.

Maybe it's Abby.

I don't know. But I do want to explore it this month, if y'all will stick around for it?


  1. We're not going anywhere, so blog on. Thanks for the update, btw. I've remembered your February and wondering how you were faring. (And for me, it's March...and August. Thank goodness spring is something to celebrate in the middle.)

  2. I would love to read and stick around for February. Maybe I can share the therapy time.

  3. Good to see I've not lost a couple of my stalwart readers ;) February was off to the rough start without the power, and now the self-doubt and self-hatred meanies are attacking en masse. But that's next blog, I think...

  4. *hug* You know where to find us when you're ready.

  5. February is a beautiful month in Monterey. Often the skies are blue and welcoming, and the weather is among the warmest in the entire year. The ceaseless winter rain abates and mommies and babies can go play on the beach and fly their kites. All is not lost; just keep the perspective.
